2000 - 2004
Exhibition of Lithographs, Etchings, Woodcuts 1990 – 2000 at Gallery Brandstrup in Oslo, from 16 February.
Frans Widerberg: Recent Works 1997 - 2000, an exhibition of oil paintings, watercolours, woodcuts, etchings and work in glass is held at Lillehammer Kunstmuseum, from 20 May – 16 July, with a catalogue introduction by Svein Olav Hoff, Director.
On the 7 September, at the University’s ceremonial hall, the Aula, Widerberg is awarded the Anders Jahres Culture Prize (300,000 Norwegian kroner), and a sculpture by Nils Aas (1933 – 2004).
Attends the unveiling of the commissioned 5.14-metre-high ceramic ‘Urn’ in Moss, Norway. Produced with 10 tons of clay at Tommerup Ceramic Shop at Fyn, Denmark.
Widerberg’s paintings in HM Queen Sonja’s Collection are exhibited at the Henie Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, from 30 June – 9 September.
One-man exhibition Paintings at Asbaek Gallery in Copenhagen, from 4 – 27 October. The accompanying catalogue includes an interview with Frans Widerberg.
Launch of the second volume of Wideberg’s graphics Frans Widerberg: Grafikk 1990 – 2000 with essays by Sidsel Helliesen, Head of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery in Oslo, and Michael Tucker, Professor of Poetics at Brighton University. Published by Labyrinth Press, Oslo.
2002 - 2003
One-man exhibition Paintings 1999 – 2002 at Gallery Brandstrup in Oslo.
Installation of Widerberg's monumental 13-metre-high painting commissioned for the Hurtigruten ship MS Midnight Sun stretching from the reception on deck four to deck eight.
Celebrates his 70th birthday with exhibitions at Gallery Brandstrup in Oslo, from 15 May – 20 June and at the Artists’ Association in Oslo, from 15 May – 6 June.
Attends his Retrospective exhibition at Trondheim Museum of Art, from 20 June – 19 September. The accompanying exhibition catalogue includes a foreword by Randi Nygaard Lium, Director of Trondheim Art Museum and Svein Olav Hoff’s essay Intensity – Love and Lust for Life.